Summertime Sadness -College Meaning


I have been told that the original song Summertime Sadness is about suicide,  that is not what I am talking about at all.  I am talking about the sadness that college students are currently feeling because they miss their friends.  In high school, I really did not get all that sad during the summer because my friends all lived in the same town as me, so I could see them whenever I wanted.  Now that I am in college, I have friends all over the world.  For example,  one of my friends is in California, another is in Arkansas, my best friend is in Georgia, and I am in Tennessee.  I hate the fact that I can’t just go meet them for coffee, etc. because we are all so far away from each other. I had no idea back in August, when I moved into my dorm, that I would have the opportunity to form some amazing friendships. I guess that it is all part of the magic of “College.” I am so blessed. Only a few more weeks to go before we are all reunited!!! 🙂
MeInPrint Ed.6